Career History

1947 - December 23, bom at Kagoshima in Japan.
1966 - To Tokyo to study drawing.Studied drawings of Leonardo da Vinci, and drew from nature.
1974 - December. exhíbited at Silver House in Tokyo.
1978 - Published, picture postcards and letter paper.
1988 - Visited the U.S.A. for art studies.
1989 - Exhibition at Kumagai Modikazu Museum in Tokyo.
1992 - To Italy, France, England, Austria and Greece for art purposes.
1993/99 - Visit Fraser Island to paint.
1998 - Exhibition at Harbour View Caravan Park in 1999 Hervey Bay.
1999 - To Fraser Island to paint.

Hisatoshi Osaki
466 Hioki Hiyoshichò
Kagoshima - Japan

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